Yuill be fixed

At YuillBeFixed, the family Health Clinic we provide Treatments and Massages for all the Family,
the following description is the service a client can expect to receive when they visit the clinic
regarding the Hamstring;

Treatment NO 4 –Hamstring (back of Leg).

The client will have the Hamstring group at the back of the injured leg Swedish massaged for 20 minutes, blood will be circulated through the injured muscle and heating techniques used by the YuillBeFixed therapist will be professionally applied, once the leg has been foam rolled by the therapist all 3 muscles will be investigated for trigger points (referral pain) ischemia (knots or constricted blood which can be trapped in the muscle.

Once the YuillBeFixed therapist investigates the 3 muscles which Originate off the ischial tuberosity at the back of the clients leg at the top of the crease of the gluteus Maximus, Semimembranosus, semitendinosus and Bicep Femoris, the YuillBeFixed therapist will be able to determine if the muscle has a grade 1 tear, grade 2 tear or a complete rupture which is a grade 3 tear would require surgery, the client would not be able to walk if this was the case.

The YuillBeFixed therapist will ask questions when investigating the hamstrings.

“Is the point tender, the client will know when the YuillBeFixed therapist has found the injured area due to the increase in pain, this will determine where the injury has occurred for the YuillBeFixed Massage therapist.

The YuillBeFixed Massage therapist will administer a crossfiber technique into certain sore sections of the torn hamstring to get rid of scar tissue and realign the fibres that have been torn in the hamstring, 3 sections of the hamstring will have the crossfiber technique, usually 10 minutes each section making sure not to miss any other collagen fibres that have been laid down due to the injury. The breakdown of scar tissue that forms after an injury can make the hamstring tight and restricted for its range of motion, obviously power from the injured hamstring has an effect on performance and can feel weak also.

The YuillBeFixed Massage Therapist has been trained to help the breakdown of scar tissue which lays down the minute the hamstring is injured, the sooner the YuillBeFixed Massage Therapist gets to work on the injury, the quicker the recovery.

The client will always be asked about the Pleasure/pain limits while the crossfiber technique is being applied 6-7 out of 10 is where the client should be kept while the work is being carried out.

10 being the pain is too much.

This work can be intense due to the injure and tightness held in the body of the client.

However, at YuillbeFixed the massage therapist will always leave time after Deep Muscle Treatments for circulatory work to disperse any tensions and give pleasure back to the nervous system.

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